The Estes Method

The Estes Method: Have you tried this ghost hunting technique?

A sensory deprivation technique to connect with spirits.

The Estes Method has garnered attention in the field of paranormal investigation as a unique and innovative technique for communicating with the unknown. The Estes approach aims to reduce external influences, allowing investigators to focus solely on the responses they receive from potential paranormal entities.

Using a piece of ghost hunting equipment known as the Spirit Box and noise cancelling headphones, investigators can pick up snippets of radio broadcasts that may contain Electronic Voice Phenomena and messages from spirits.

Table of Contents

History and Origin of Estes Method

ITC Research

Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) research has a long history of attempting to communicate with spirits or paranormal entities using various electronic devices. This field of study dates back to the early 20th century when researchers began experimenting with different techniques for capturing and analysing electronic voice phenomena (EVP).

Over the years, ITC researchers have employed various tools and methods in their quest to establish contact with the other side, including audio recorders, radio frequency scanners, and electronic devices specifically designed for this purpose.

Birth of Estes Method

The Estes Method emerged in 2016 at the famous Stanley Hotel in Estes, Colorado. It was conceived by paranormal investigators Karl Pfeiffer and Connor Randall. This innovative approach combines sensory deprivation with EMF theories and intuitive connection to foster communication with spirits or paranormal entities.

By using headphones to block out external noise and a device called the SB7 Spirit Box, the person conducting the session is fully immersed in the audio stream being generated by the device. This enables them to focus on any potential messages or voices coming through the static without any distractions or bias.

Key Principles of Estes Method

Sensory Deprivation

The Estes Method is based on the concept of sensory deprivation, which involves minimising external stimuli to heighten one’s focus on the remaining sensations. The purpose of this setup is to eliminate any distractions and allow the investigator to focus solely on the audio inputs, increasing the likelihood of picking up potential Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP).

Real-Time EVP Communication

Real-time EVP communication is a key element of the Estes Method. The investigator listens to audio frequencies in real-time while another team member asks questions to encourage communication with any potential spirits present.

The investigator wearing the headphones and blindfold then shares any words or phrases that are heard, allowing the team to have a more immediate interaction with the entities, if any are present. This real-time aspect of the investigation aims to enhance the validity and excitement of the experience.

Estes Method EVP

Equipment and Set-Up

The Estes Method is a popular technique among paranormal investigators to communicate with spirits. Below, we discuss the essential ghost hunting equipment required, and the proper set-up for conducting a successful Estes Method session.

The Spirit Box

Paranormal investigators often use the PSB7 Spirit Box in their investigations. The Spirit Box works by scanning multiple radio frequencies, allegedly allowing spirits to communicate with the investigators using the white noise produced.

The inventor of the PSB7 Spirit Box Gary Galka, is set to release a new model, PSB7-PRO Spirit Box in August 2023.

The model promises to push the boundaries of Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) and introduces industry first “precision” user adjustable AM/FM sweep speeds, adjustable AM/FM frequency steps with proprietary frequency overlap (blending) software and REM field sensors.

28 Days Haunted star Nick Simons told GhostMag: “The responses I’ve been collecting with the PSB7-PRO have been more clear than the old P-SB7 model”

More: Read our interview with Gary Galka and find out more about the PSB7-PRO

Headphones and Noise-Cancelling Features

In addition to the Spirit Box, investigators need a pair of high-quality headphones to block any external noise. Soundproof or noise-cancelling headphones are highly recommended for the Estes Method, ensuring that investigators can solely focus on the audio coming through the Spirit Box.

It is crucial to choose headphones that provide both comfort and excellent audio quality to enhance the experience. Using a blindfold in conjunction with the headphones further eliminates any visual distractions for the investigator, allowing them to concentrate solely on the auditory aspect of the investigation.

How to conduct an Estes Method session

  1. Set up the Spirit Box to scan radio frequencies at an adequate speed.
  2. Connect the headphones to the Spirit Box, ensuring they have a secure fit and noise-cancelling capabilities.
  3. Have the investigator wear the blindfold, eliminating visual distractions.
  4. Begin the session by asking questions or introducing yourself to any spirits that may be present.

Procedure and Techniques

Establishing Connection

Once the connection is established, the investigator can start asking questions. It is crucial to remember that questions should be clear, concise and respectful. While the Estes Method can produce intriguing results, patience is essential, as responses might take some time to come through. When an investigator hears a response, they should relay it to their team immediately to ensure accuracy in documenting the session.

Interpreting the responses received requires caution. It is vital to avoid over-analysing or jumping to conclusions based on initial reactions as there may also be EVP pareidolia at play . Taking time to review the recorded audio and discuss the possible meanings as a team is beneficial in ascertaining the authenticity and relevance of the responses.

Common Criticisms and Limitations

Validity of the Estes Method

One of the main concerns with the Estes method is its validity. Critics argue that this method may not always yield reliable or consistent results across different populations or circumstances.

The nature of data collection and measurement in the Estes method raises questions about the accuracy and generalisability of the findings. For example, in some cases, participants may hold certain biases and beliefs that may influence their responses, thus compromising the validity of the conclusions drawn from the study.

Additionally, the Estes method relies heavily on self-report measures, which can be problematic as it depends on the participants’ ability to accurately recall and report their experiences. Self-report measures are also susceptible to social desirability bias, whereby respondents might provide information that reflects what is viewed as socially acceptable rather than their actual thoughts or experiences.

Potential for Bias

Another criticism of the Estes method is the potential for bias. Since it involves a human researcher conducting the analysis and interpreting the findings, there is always a possibility that the researcher’s personal beliefs, opinions and expectations might influence the outcome. This can result in unintentional biases being introduced into the study, limiting the objectivity and credibility of the results.

In conclusion, while the Estes method has its merits, it is essential to be mindful of the potential criticisms and limitations associated with this approach. Researchers should carefully consider the issues of validity and potential biases when designing and conducting studies using this method, ensuring that they implement techniques to minimise these concerns and generate robust, reliable findings.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the Estes Method?

The Estes Technique is a groundbreaking method used in paranormal investigations to communicate with spirits or entities. Its primary aim is to obtain real-time responses from these beings, eliminating many of the biases or misinterpretations that may occur in traditional ghost hunting methods.

How does the Estes Method work?

In the Estes Method, one participant wears noise-cancelling headphones and a blindfold to eliminate external sensory input. They listen to a SB7 Spirit Box that scans radio frequencies for any potential responses from spirits. While this person is isolated, another investigator asks questions directed at the spirit or entity. The person wearing the headphones then repeats any words or phrases they hear, allowing the investigators to connect the responses to their queries.

What equipment is needed for the Estes Method?

The essential gear required for the Estes Technique includes a SB7 Spirit Box, noise-cancelling headphones, a blindfold, and a voice recorder to document the session. Some investigators may also use additional equipment, such as EMF detectors or cameras, to gather further evidence during the investigation.

Who created the Estes Method?

The Estes Method was developed by paranormal investigators Karl Pfeiffer, Connor J. Randall, and Michelle Tate. They named it after Estes Park, Colorado, home of the Stanley Hotel, and where they first experimented with this technique. More information about the creators and their method can be found on the Estes Method website.

How reliable are the results of the Estes Method?

The reliability of the Estes Method can vary depending on factors such as the investigators’ experience, the spirit or entity being contacted, and the location of the investigation. While there are many anecdotes of successful communication using this method, critics argue that it could be susceptible to pareidolia or the observer’s own biases. As with any paranormal investigation technique, it’s important to approach the results with a critical mind and consider alternative explanations.

Can anyone learn to use the Estes Method?

Yes, anyone interested in paranormal investigation can learn to use the Estes Method. With practice and appropriate equipment, individuals can conduct their own investigations using this technique providing there are at least two people carrying out the paranormal investigation.

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