Sydenham Manor

Sydenham Manor

Sydenham Manor is a historic estate located in Sedgemoor, Somerset, England. The original manor house dates back to the 16th century, though much of the current structure was rebuilt in the 18th century. The property has a long and turbulent history, including connections to the English Civil War and Monmouth Rebellion.

Several ghostly phenomena have been reported at Sydenham Manor over the years. One of the most frequently sighted apparitions is that of a young woman in a white dress, often seen wandering the grounds or peering out of upper-story windows. Local legend claims this is the ghost of a maid who died tragically on the property centuries ago.

The manor’s great hall is said to be haunted by the spirit of a Cavalier soldier from the English Civil War era. Witnesses have described seeing a translucent figure in period military attire pacing back and forth across the room. Phantom footsteps and the sound of jangling spurs have also been reported in this area.

In the library, books have allegedly been seen flying off shelves by unseen forces. Some visitors have reported feeling a oppressive atmosphere and sensing an unseen presence watching them in this room. Cold spots and unexplained temperature drops have been noted here as well.

The cellars of Sydenham Manor are purportedly home to poltergeist activity, with objects moving on their own and strange knocking sounds emanating from the walls. Some have speculated this could be tied to the manor’s history of hiding Catholic priests during times of persecution.

Outside on the grounds, people have reported glimpsing the misty figure of a man in old-fashioned clothing near an ancient oak tree. According to local tales, this may be the ghost of a former owner of the manor who was hanged from that very tree during the tumultuous aftermath of the Monmouth Rebellion in 1685.


Sedgemoor, TA6 4NZ, United Kingdom
TA6 4NZ Sedgemoor, England,


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