Dewa Roman Experience

Dewa Roman Experience

The Dewa Roman Experience in Chester offers visitors a glimpse into the city’s Roman past. Located on Pierpoint Lane, it occupies the site of a former Roman fortress, Deva Victrix, established around 79 AD. The attraction is built atop genuine Roman ruins, including parts of the original hypocaust heating system and fortress walls.

Throughout its history, the site has been associated with various paranormal occurrences. Staff and visitors have reported unexplained phenomena, particularly in the reconstructed bathhouse area. Some claim to have seen the apparition of a Roman soldier, fully clad in armor, patrolling the ruins. Others describe hearing the faint sound of marching feet echoing through the corridors when no one else is present.

In the mock-up of a Roman galley, witnesses have reported feeling a sudden drop in temperature and an overwhelming sense of unease. Some visitors claim to have felt invisible hands touching them or tugging at their clothes in this area.

The reconstructed tavern has been the site of several reported poltergeist activities, including objects moving on their own and glasses inexplicably shattering. Staff members have recounted experiences of hearing disembodied voices speaking in what they believe to be Latin.

In the archaeological remains area, some visitors have reported seeing misty figures moving among the ruins, particularly during quiet periods. There have also been accounts of a female entity, believed to be from the Roman era, seen wandering near the remains of the hypocaust system.

These reported paranormal experiences at the Dewa Roman Experience contribute to Chester’s reputation as one of England’s most haunted cities.


The Commonhall Social, 10 Commonhall Street, Chester, CH1 2BJ, United Kingdom
Commonhall Street
CH1 2BJ Chester, England,


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